Die Laughing Productions is the world’s greatest Murder Mystery Company. All shows are created and performed by professional stand-up comedians. Each show is a third scripted, a third improv, a third audience participation and 100% funny.
The brains behind Die Laughing Productions are stand up comedians and radio personalities Rob Maher and Joe Robinson. Rob and Joe are veterans of the comedy industry having each performed professionally for over 20 years. Rob was a finalist in Comedy Central’s “Up Next” competition and has performed for our troops in 14 countries. Joe is the former host of 98 Rock’s Irresponsible Radio and is an Arlington Drafthouse Comedian of the year winner. Joe can also be heard as a commentator on WBAL Radio. Both comedians are regular contributors to the 98 Rock morning show and featured performers at Improv and Funny Bone comedy clubs nationwide. You can hear Rob and Joe every week on their top rated comedy podcast, the DLP Agenda.